Name | Address | City |
Southeast Georgia Treatment Center | 816 Professional Center Drive | Eastman |
Preferred Treatment Center | 108 A Corporate Square Drive | Dublin |
New Pointe Treatment Center | 1031 Keith Dr | Perry |
HealthQwest Frontiers | Warner Robins | 607 A Russell Pkwy | Warner Robins |
Genesis Treatment Center | 1022 Hillcrest Parkway | Dublin |
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Eastman, the county seat of Dodge County, has a total area of 16.83 km² of which 0.93% is water. As of 2018, Eastman had a population estimated at 5,172. With its population and land area, Eastman is not rated as one of the largest cities in the U.S. but the probability that it could be home to some people experiencing opioid dependency could not be ruled out. Such people may find medical help in any Eastman Georgia methadone clinic. Methadone has been used over the years. It heals the physical pains of opioid withdrawal. It is so useful that it made the World Health Organization’s list of essential medications. However, methadone can have side effects. It should only be taken under the supervision of a medication-assisted treatment practitioner. A dose of methadone could last up to 36 hours. The medication-assisted expert prescribes the right dose for the situation. Doses are tailored for individuals therefore, they should not be shared. Methadone clinics pair doses of methadone with counseling and behavioral therapies. Most methadone clinics in Georgia find this easy because they offer social services. There is no regulated duration for methadone maintenance but often, it does not end under twelve months. It could go on for several years.