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Kennesaw, a city in Cobb County, had a population estimated at 34,172 as of 2018. Kennesaw is popular for its compulsory gun-possession ordinance. It has a total aoea of 25.44 km² of which 1.08% is water. It may not be a big city but it is not impossible to find people suffering from Opioid use disorder in the city. Such people should visit any methadone clinic Kennesaw GA for medication-assisted treatment. Opioid use disorder means an individual cannot stop taking opioids despite its negative effects. The Food and Drug Administration approved three drugs for the medical treatment of such a situation. Methadone is one. Methadone relieves pains and blocks other effects of methadone. It is so effective that it made the World Health Organization’s list of essential medications. Methadone, however, is at the risk of being diverted to the illicit market. Hence, it is regulated and should be taken only under the supervision of a medication-assisted treatment practitioner. Although methadone clinics are specialists, some of the best methadone clinics in Georgia may offer additional services. The program enrollee is placed under close observation for the first few days of methadone maintenance and doses of methadone are adjusted depending on the observation of the medication-assisted treatment expert. A program visit is scheduled after the first few days.