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Norcross, a city in Gwinnett County, has a total area of 15.98 km² of which 0.25% is water. Although it is not rated as one of the largest cities in the U.S., Norcross has continued to increase in population. As of 2018, it had a population estimated at 16,563. People who wish to treat opioid use disorder in this city may walk into any methadone Clinic Norcross GA for medication-assisted treatment. Opioid addiction may need to be medically treated in some cases, especially when there are uncontrollable cravings and painful symptoms of withdrawal. Methadone is one of the drugs used for such treatment. Methadone, a medication approved by the Food and Drug Administration as safe and effective but it should only be taken under the medication-assisted treatment practitioner’s supervision. Methadone should not be abused, that could be harmful. So that diversion to the illicit market would be avoided, methadone is only available at methadone clinics. Methadone clinics in Georgia are required to get accredited by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration before dispensing medication. Methadone maintenance usually includes counseling and behavioral therapy sessions to aid both the physical and psychological recovery of program enrollees. The duration of maintenance could be short or long. In some cases, it could go on indefinitely.