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With a population of 40,228, Woburn, Massachusetts is in Middlesex County only nine miles north of Boston. The town was settled near Horn Pond, a source of the Mystic River, in 1640. If you or someone you love is suffering from an addiction to opioid drugs, they can find help with treatment from a methadone clinic Woburn MA. All methadone clinics in Massachusetts are nationally accredited and staffed by medical professionals trained to evaluate patients and properly administer methadone. Clinic staff will also carefully monitor patients so that recovery plans and dosages can be altered, if needed. Most patients on methadone maintenance therapy should also attend counseling with a therapist, and work on behavioral modification techniques that will allow them to erase old addictive behaviors and develop healthier ways of coping. At a methadone clinic Woburn MA, patients should remain on methadone as long as they and their doctor agree it is helpful. Getting off of methadone too soon is never a good idea, and methadone must always be slowly tapered in dosage to minimize side effects and avoid relapse.