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With a population of 282,011, Newark is the most populous city in New Jersey and the Essex County seat. It is also one of the oldest cities in the nation, having been settled by Puritans in 1666. Today, the city is vulnerable to the current opioid crisis affecting the entire nation, which has led to a great need for treatment from methadone clinics in New Jersey. Residents willing to accept opioid addiction help from a methadone clinic Newark NJ will have a much greater chance at recovery success than someone who attempts to quit on their own. An even greater chance of success will come to those who combine methadone therapy with other addiction treatments such a CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) and co-occurring disorder treatment. Drug education and coaching in practical issues such as finding stable employment and safe housing will also improve recovery success. Some methadone clinics are part of programs that include all of these things, but if they are not, clinics should be able to help patients find organizations or facilities that do offer such services.